My experience with endometriosis has had a rather huge impact on my life, as it does with any woman who's ever been diagnosed with it.

I was diagnosed at only 14. I've always had terrible periods that started very early. Heavy bleeding, pain so bad I could barely walk, being extremely nauseous, lasting for sometimes up to 2 weeks. I always thought it was normal. I had never experienced a "normal" period. The only reason I had begun to know something was wrong was because the pain continued, never stopping. Everyday struggling to get out of bed. I had missed weeks that turned into months of school. I went to doctor after doctor, and had midnight hospital visits regularly. We had been doing multiple tests that showed nothing. The frustration became over whelming, and very scary.

My mom is the real reason I was diagnosed. This disease has ran in my family for as long as we can track. She took me to my OBGYN and I had began to explain what had been going on and she insisted on scheduling a laparoscopy. I remember being so scared going in, and they knew it. They had let me choose the music, and the last I remember I was singing along to Stone Temple Pilots. When I came out my vision was fuzzy, but he had been trying to show me all the damage it had done. I just kind of nodded my head and began to cry. To this day I couldn't tell you why. I think I was finally just relieved I knew what was wrong with me, and afraid of what was going to happen next.

I was put on Depo-Provera, and suggested to try Lupron. I had refused after reading others experiences, and all the side effects. Depo has caused me to have osteoporosis at only 16. I struggle with regular bone and joint pain. I also have fybromyalgia. My ovaries look like a moon, covered in craters. Parts of my lower intestine have been linked together, and I have multiple lesions and plenty of scar tissue. Western medicine never offered much help, or relief. That's when we turned to acupuncture. I urge all of you reading this to try it. We had done acupuncture, shock stimulation, and herbal supplements. Although it is expensive, I had never felt better. Due to financial problems that have occurred, I am no longer able to, but if you have the opportunity, please ladies, take it.

I know I will always struggle to deal with understanding I have limits I have to subject myself to. Blogs like this help us to not feel so alone. Nobody really understands but people like us. There comes a point when you begin to feel mutilated, and incompetent. I have never met people so sweet, and there for people they've never even met until I found all the endo-sister (and similar) accounts on the internet. If there ever comes a day you need a kind word, or to know you aren't alone, an endo sister is there. So to all of you with Endometriosis, remember to fight like a girl. ;)

Thank you for sharing your story Bebe.

Remember, every one of us has a different story, and the more shared, the more we can learn. If you are interested in sharing your story, please contact me at
